Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We're Going on a Bear Hunt! I mean... a field trip!

Today was an adventurous day for all, well exept for the dog. (he didnt go ape #$@! while we were away) So anyway Kyan had his first field trip today! It was awesome to see him interact with his peers. Do you know that he's actually quiet and reserved at school? One who just sits there, observes and soaks it all in? An aid/parent at the school was giving me the low down juicy details on him. She thinks he's a bit quiet because he's one of the youngest. Who cares, how many girlfreinds does he have? I know those dimples are driving the 4 and 5 year olds crazy! She also said she was very impressed at how "well adjusted" and "impressed" with the way he talked. Yeah Yeah Yeah..... So, has any girl kissed him? Has he held anybody's hand? I wanna know the good stuff! Mick got to join us for the last half of the field trip and then he was able to come watch Kyan's Hockey for the the first time, he's been dying to do this. Kyan was showing off so bad for Daddy, I've never seen him skate as fast as he did today! Next week, no trainer (walker type thingy to help with balance) just kyan vs. the ice one on one. I started to pump him up about it tonight as I tucked him in, we'll keep you posted! Oh and while were on the Hockey subject the equipment STINKS! Yeah, mick isn't kidding when he says you need to air that stuff out, how do little boys smell so bad?! Nolan's day got exciting when we got home and checked the mail. The last accessory to his Halloween costume arrived! Our baby is going to have The Best Costume this year, we'll keep you posted on that too! (no telling auntie Wind)


Unknown said...

I want you to know that your blog is the most entertaining part of my day.

2blessed2stress said...

I want to know!!! :) whats Cailynn's BF going to be for Halloween? :) Will we get to see it when we come up for the weekend? :) If so... maybe i should bring Cailynn's and we can get a pic of them together! ;)


Dawn and ABC (ok Aaron to only he only hears about your blog, he doesn't actually get to read it :) )