Sunday, October 28, 2007

This marked the first day I had to scrape my windshield before leaving for work WT%! While I'm talking about work, I may leave my current position by the end of next month for a traveling gig in the the ghetto of Detroit. Sounds fun huh? At least with the pay Ill be able to afford The Club. I'm just looking into it, nothing for sure yet but the extra G or so a month would be nice. It would also be great for next summer when/if mick finds an associate position at a firm somewhere, then I could get a contract there. Anyway we'll see. We had some company this weekend. Grandpa Brian, Uncle Brent and Caleb came to see us. Talk about a house full of males. It was 10 v. 1 in the gender ratio (Kyle Osland and his friend came this way from GR too) oh yeah I'm also counting Malachi and Doc. Regardless there was way too much testosterone for this chick!
The Leaf Hog works like a champ! My new neighbors on the other hand suck! I did the nice neighborly thing by offering him to use it, he's been raking his yard everyday for the last week and a half. He gave me some lame ol' excuse....something about "enjoying the cardio" Uh yeah right! Then, after I did round one of my front yard (still lots of leaves on our monster tree) Neighbor and wifey come outside and she had the nerve to say,"so the leaf blower doesn't work so good huh?) WHAT? It worked great! They are so freaking jealous of my new monster machine. They can continue to rake EVERYDAY for the next 3 weeks and "enjoy their cardio". I don't think I have the blowing technique down quite yet. In fact I think I may need some practice. I'll use this as my excuse when I blow all the darn leafs from my driveway into their yard "accidentally" of course! OOO or maybe I'll just tell them I thought they wanted the extra work out! losers

Ok, I really would not do that and the new neighbors are ok ( I did steal their babysitter) but I just need to vent. And besides Hal our old neighbor was the best....I want him back!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ramble Ramble Ramble

It's been a minute, but here I am staying faithful to my blog. First and for most, I got a new toy today! Let me paint a picture for you. Last year around this time well maybe more like the begining of November. Me, ~4months prego with Nolan Pie, Kyan's 2nd birthday is approaching, its getting cooler, fall is in the air, and the GIANT, HUMONGOUS, OUT OF THIS WORLD oak trees in our front yard are throwing all their damn leaves all over our yard. Micks very busy with his first year of law school and unable to read thousands of pages and manage a rake at the same time.(yes, I would be able to do this because I am The Queen of Multitasking) Kyan is too short to reach the top of the leaf bags. Well that "leaves" me to do the job! And hell will freeze over before I do that again! This is why today I bought myself the amazing, super, black and orange LEAF HOG by Black and Decor! Yes folks this bad boy does it all! I believe I will be able to blow and vac the entire yard in an ET of less than one hour! (if the children cooperate that is). Meanwhile you can find me in the kitchen painting the cabnets....its gonna look nice!
Baby Bother had his first official play date today! His new friend is an adorable little boy named Gavin! We are going to try to get together with him and his mommy Melissa every Monday while the Monster is in preschool. Nolan finally stomached some baby food. He likes pears! He actually opens his mouth for them its amazing! To back up, this kid would not eat anything for the past month, rice cereal NO, oatmeal NO, bananas No, sweet potatoes NO. Pears YES!!!! I told him no boob juice past ten, I scared him strait.....tough love, ya gotta do it. He's sitting up with very minimal support, but trying to crawl already! He gets up on all fours and starts rockin'! We really need to get on baby proofing the house (hope its easier than Doc proofing!!!
We had some company last weekend. Kyans buddy Trev came to visit! Kyan was a monster and acted like a dog with somebody invading its space! The kid trough a fit when Trevor tried to sleep in his room. Well maybe he just isn't ready for sleep overs? Or maybe he's just 3 and a little monster!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Who Needs Electricity When You Have a Coleman Charger?

The electricity went out tonight and we had NO idea when it would be repaired. We now know why EVERYbody in our subdivision has a generator! I swear this has happened over 8 times, and we have only been here a year. I'm trying to keep up with feeding BB while managing to work full time. Nolan went down around 8 which means I needed to pump but couldn't because we had no power. All I have to say is I will prevail!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Chaos. The last few days around here have been very unpredictable. Of course it all started with Mr. Pie (micks latest for BB) in the ER. For the chicken pox but he did have Enterovirus, Yuck don't look this one up! The Virus takes its course and then leaves when it wants.

Chaos is what Mick was handed yesterday when I was at work. Little did he know it was going to be a rough day. Mick: "I'm going to paint the closet in vour room today." (don't know what he was thinking) BB of course was miserable, teething and rashy. Our newest house guest who is very contagious had to visit Kyan's GI tract. By the end of the day Kyan was puking all over the house. Being the super daddy that he is, Mick rocked both miserable boy's to sleep..........

Chaos is what I was handed when I walked through the door last night after work. I will not go into detail but it was well...chaos. Ok so now the house is chaotic, I need to go to sleep because I have to work in the morning again. Oh wait I can't see the bed, its barried in clothes from our primed unfinished closet. The couch had to do, Mick got the floor!

After an awesome nights sleep (please hear the sarcasm in my writing) I was off to work. I left a few minutes early to grab some joe and a krispy creme. I drove to work in silence soaking the quietness up like a sponge. Ah Sunday, easy like Sunday morning! Just when I thought my chaotic week was over, right when I thought to myself, "Its a new day, a new week." I freakin show up at work to find out I don't even work! Ugh!

The Verve couldnt have said it better, "Its a bitter sweet symphany this life"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Connect the dots on Baby Brother!

Last night was spent in the ER with Nolan Pie. The little man was covered in a rash that looks like chicken pox! I meant to take a pic but didn't get around to it, baby looked like something out of a Connect the dots coloring book! Poor baby boy:( Really they told me it could be chicken pox, strange because Kyan's Ped. in AZ said babies don't get chicken pox????? I'm gonna have to pull out some good old RN research myself if I want some answers! Thank heavens Baby Brother's 'tude has been great, he's still smiley as can be and minus the smelly REALLY smelly diapers, he's actually been pretty laid back today. I have to call the ER in about a half an hour to get the preliminary results for either chicken pox or folliculitis (a staph infect of the hair follicles) So this just goes down in the ol baby book as reason #546 to why Nolan has been a bit more of a difficult child than Kyan. Ill keep you posted on his results.

OH MY! How could I forget? On top of Nolan's rash, his first little toothy is coming in the bottom left! WHAT A MAN! I think he has micks... I mean MY pain tolerance!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We're Going on a Bear Hunt! I mean... a field trip!

Today was an adventurous day for all, well exept for the dog. (he didnt go ape #$@! while we were away) So anyway Kyan had his first field trip today! It was awesome to see him interact with his peers. Do you know that he's actually quiet and reserved at school? One who just sits there, observes and soaks it all in? An aid/parent at the school was giving me the low down juicy details on him. She thinks he's a bit quiet because he's one of the youngest. Who cares, how many girlfreinds does he have? I know those dimples are driving the 4 and 5 year olds crazy! She also said she was very impressed at how "well adjusted" and "impressed" with the way he talked. Yeah Yeah Yeah..... So, has any girl kissed him? Has he held anybody's hand? I wanna know the good stuff! Mick got to join us for the last half of the field trip and then he was able to come watch Kyan's Hockey for the the first time, he's been dying to do this. Kyan was showing off so bad for Daddy, I've never seen him skate as fast as he did today! Next week, no trainer (walker type thingy to help with balance) just kyan vs. the ice one on one. I started to pump him up about it tonight as I tucked him in, we'll keep you posted! Oh and while were on the Hockey subject the equipment STINKS! Yeah, mick isn't kidding when he says you need to air that stuff out, how do little boys smell so bad?! Nolan's day got exciting when we got home and checked the mail. The last accessory to his Halloween costume arrived! Our baby is going to have The Best Costume this year, we'll keep you posted on that too! (no telling auntie Wind)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Taking Daddy Hostage!

AAAHHHH Sunday! We had a family day today (or a few family hours) Yeah we actually got to borrow Daddy from law school! We had him from when we woke up, until about 3pm!!! WOW! He did however make us rehearse his mock trial with him for a total of 8 min (he had to time it) during our family time. We decided to use our time and go to the Cider Mill and get pumpkins. Today was something like 89 degrees out! That's pretty good for Michigan in Oct. and its suppose to stay this way for most of the week. I must say since moving back to the Midwest, I think fall is my favorite season. Well at least when its in the 80's in October! It took Kyan a good 20 min to pick his pumpkin. After finding the perfect pumpkin, a small round one with no stem, we were on our way to the doughnuts and pony rides. OH WAIT, nope Kyan changes his mind again. This time he made Daddy proud, finding the BIGGEST one he could. Way to get the biggest bang for your buck kido, at $4.99 a crack, who wants to take home a dinky one? Not our boy! After mastering the staw maze, some pony rides and downing some doughnuts we were on our way......Daddy has to get to School ;"( After nap we had a nice visit with good ol' Bennie Hanna! Great reminiscing with you Bennie, those pictures are priceless!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mom's Overture by Anita Renfroe

Very Cute

Doctor J Russel Puppy

Let me introduce you to our family pet. He was adopted from the AZ humane society back in April of 05. He came to us as "Buddy" a pure bred Boxadore. Who names their dog Buddy these days? (sorry if you do) Mick named him "Doc" a few days after being in our lives. Taylor, my niece started calling him Doc Russel (her dog a Jack Russel terrier...or so they thought, is named Jack Russel) So some how in the making he got his full name, "Dr. "J" Russel Puppy". So this dog has always had foster child, adoptive child, neglected child, red headed it what you want syndrome! Most people who encounter Dr. J (his short name) usually love him and say, "oh don't worry he'll calm down after the puppy years" as he pummels them over and licks them to death. HELLO he was at least 2 when we got him! The reason we know, well he had a history of being locked up, that should have been our first clue!!! So anyway doc has come a long way. NO scratch that! We have adapted our lifestyle to make our dog behave. Choke chain for leash and walks CHECK. Wood case for garbage can when we are away (a very nice one I might add, thanks Grandpa Sullivan!) CHECK. Towel by the patio door for dirty paws CHECK. Forfeiting our king size bed, pillows too CHECK. Enough time and memory to remember to "Doc Proof" the House before leaving.______. Yeah so this is the issue! That darn Dog, the second you leave the house he goes on a mad hunt. Screw getting a Nanny Cam, we need a Doggy Cam! Yeah one with a take along screen and microphone. Seriously, this dog needs 24hr care. I was gone yesterday with the kids to the post office for a mere 15 min. I came home and forgot I left our future dinner thawing on the stove. Doc ate 1.65 lb. of raw burger,chewed a pizza box (left next to the wooden garbage) to sheds all over the living room...I think he swallow half of it, tore up the bathroom garbage (note-need small wooden box for bathroom garbage) and knocked the cat food container on the floor and threw it around the kitchen like confetti! To top it off, we woke up in the middle of the night to him puking in our room, imagine that! NICE DOC NICE. So there you have it that's our family pet "Dr. "J" Russel Puppy". Can anybody dog sit next weekend?

Thursday, October 4, 2007


OK, so I'm guessing that your first guess to this posts title is of course Nolan right? Well your wrong! At Kyan's last dental appt./cleaning in June, the dentist had mentioned that the kid doesn't have his second set of molars. WHAT almost 3 now and not done teething? He wasn't a fussy teether as a baby, at least we have that going for us. So when I was helping him brush his teeth sure enough....the bottom right pearly white is coming through! Nolan... well its hard to tell if he's teething because the baby has ALWAYS needed to be chewing on something, so not quite sure (he's just not an easy man to figure out). But on another note he's sitting up now with almost no support ( can do it with the boppy around him) and he's trying to crawl, he gets up on his hands and feet, its quite the sight!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Amazing men

Kyan was asked to go get dressed a few days ago....and this is what he came downstairs in! Please note, whitey tightey's on backwards! I LOVE THIS MAN!

Today was yet another day our kids amaze us! Kyan is such a little genius his vocabulary just keeps growing and growing, I better start reading the dictionary so I can keep up with him. Yesterday at hockey as I forced him to use the bathroom (BEFORE we get the ten pounds of equipment on and then he says...."MOM I HAVE TO PEE!") he was washing his hands as he faithfully does after each trip to the potty , looks at me with his hands under the running water and says,"Does water work from batteries or from electricity?" My response..........______ Yeah a big pause hhhhmm think quick......ummm oh my, how does it work? QUICK think of works from pressure YEAH son, that's how it works... Water pressure,. Whew that was close. I can't believe the boy, just one month shy of 3 years old almost stumped me. And wait, is that even the correct answer? This scares me that soon, I may need to research my answers but at the same time I am so proud to be bringing up such a curious intellectual child! Kyan continues to love school. Mick said today he didn't even want to leave! He comes home each day singing new songs and talking about a classmate by name. (yet tells people "I dont have a name" himself. Next week there is a field trip so mick and I will be able to meet the little people Ky is talking about everyday, I cant wait!

Today my baby turned into a binge eater! Nolan decided that the 4oz i am able to provide for him every 4 hours just doesn't cut it. Mick called me at work and the little chunk took 8oz in less than an hour. Hopefully this is just a phase so I can "keep up" with him! He continues to make me smile all the time (even at 0300 in the pitch dark) I just wish he'd get the memo on "How to sleep through the night"

The kids are germ free but mick and I struggle to get over this BUG. Mick thinks its bronchitis but I think he's just sick with the common cold and really burnt out from interviews, full time law school, having two kids under 3 and oh yeah if that's not enough why don't you play Hockey 2 times a week? And on a sad Milwaukee in our future:(