Sunday, July 27, 2008

Doc Strikes Again......

I got these really cute candy labels off of ebay for the wedding. They are for hershey's nuggets. I wrapped about 60 of them and they were going to be on all the tables at the wedding in baskets mixed with kisses, well actually hugs with almonds (they are the right colors) They turned out so cute I was going to order more. They have our names and date on the side with calla lilies on the top and a thank you message on the bottom, super cute! Last night I had a bit of a sweet tooth after everybody was sleeping. I knew I had a few extra candies not wrapped with the personalized labels and was a bit excited to calm my chocolate craving. The bag was missing from the dresser and I thought for sure Mick through them out, he doesn't allow goodies in the house! Nope, I found the empty bag on the floor.....DOC! Ok so I immediately thought of the wedding candies......Doc ate all 90 pieces, wrappers and all! Its like they vanished into thin air! Ok so we all know this could kill Doc right? (ooo serves him right) But of course, Its my fault for leaving the candy out....eeeerrrrrr. Doc's not doing so well, he's walking around the house like a little old man, turns out the chocolate is toxic to the nervous system. I am a bit worried because he is not drinking and will get dehydrated. After a little bit of online research it turns out Doc ate enough to be fatal, so it looks like we may be bringing him in to the Vet. Will this Dog ever Learn????? Don't worry, I already ordered more labels to look cute on the tables!Ill keep you posted on Doc's crisis.

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