Thursday, July 3, 2008

Over due

Wow, this summer is flying by! I have been in Grand Rapids now for a month already. We aren't that used to the tight living quarters but all in all things are going o.k. The kids are....well the kids are animals lately. They are doing really well with there nanny Lisa. I love having her around. Can you believe I get to take showers 3 days a week all my myself with no little monsters in the bathroom!!! Kyan has turned into a rebel without a cause. His favorite word is "NO!" and he insisted on doing what ever the $%*# he wants lately! Our new approach is to try to remain strict but applaud the good behavior. I feel bad because some times I feel we are constantly saying KYAN! NO!.... KYAN do this .....KYAN DO THAT. He's too smart for his own good and knows exactly what buttons to push and when to push them. Example #1 Lisa does not work on the day before I go into work at night, usually a good nap when the boys nap is good for me. So I lay both of them down at 1130 the other day, Nolan fell asleep (was quiet) by 1220. They usually will take a 2-3 hour nap. I fall asleep and wake up to the clock saying 1:00, the toilet flushing and Nolan screaming. Kyan tells me, "yeah, I tapped on Baby Brothers Shoulders to wake him up on the way to the bathroom" I WAS LIVID!!!! Lets just say Kyans plans to go to the zoo with his auntie that day, GONE! My sleep before work GONE too :( I think we just need to get through this summer and into year number 4. I am over 3 year olds. Kyan is still a lady's man and people person. It doesn't matter if a cats got your tongue, he'll get you to talk! He is still full of "Thank you Sir's" and "Thank you Mam's" and over all is an awesome intelligent 3 year old!
Mr. Pie has been navigating the word on two feet now for a few weeks. He no longer crawls anywhere unless its in a mad rush to get to something he's not supposed to. Like if he sees the opportunity to get into the bathroom if the door is left open. His teeth count and vocabulary are at the same level as they were a few weeks ago 6 teeth and barley any words! He does however do a really good impression on Tim the Tool Man Taylor. He says "Huh" to just about everything, its really funny! It's weird how I don't really care about when Pie hits his milestones, I want him to stay little forever. I remember wanting Kyan to crawl and then missing the times when he couldn't, yet still wanting him to learn to walk and when he could, wishing he was still a baby. So with Nolan.....he can take as long as he wants on everything! I loved how he didn't learn to walk until almost 14 months, he felt like a baby longer. Kyan learned before 10months! No thank you! Pie points to everything wanting to know what it is or be carried over to it. He always replies with "HUH" again, its priceless. He loves to turn on and off light switches and can not get enough off closing and opening his bedroom door. He is the first to chase kyan up the stairs if he sees his big brother going up. Nolan is a very aggressive baby and will bite you at any moment and if you back off he will raise his hand and hit you. We have NO IDEA where this behavior was learned. He doesnt care if you tell him no and that it hurts he will hit harder or bite harder. Poor Kyan has learned this all to well. We are all hoping this phase is a quick one. On the other hand if you say "Kiss" he will stop and drop everything he's doing, toddle over and give a big kiss. He also makes the "Muh" smacking sound with his lips now to go along with his wave when you say ba bye. His hair still remains ever so fly away and duck like and he is as cute as ever right now! He is quite the mammas boy but slowing turning daddy's way. He loves to be carried everywhere on my hip and both boys are constantly in competition for the center of attention. Add the attention seeking dog we own to that and you have one caotic time....Kyan saing mamma mama mama, Pie hitting me then biting, then crying, and the dog liking everybody as fast as he can sneak on in! Oh the caos!! Thank you Lisa for still being around after a month! Both boys are loving the out door summer fun. We went to Michigan's adventures last weekend and Kyan went on his first Roller Coaster and did some big water slides as well! We all had a blast. Nolan liked just hanging out in the lawn chair like a "big Boy" Mick is busy at work and is loving his job. I am very happy to know he is going to love his career after finishing up law school next year! We are heading up to the U.P. later this afternoon for the 4th and his 10 year class reunion. This was a lot crammed into one post, Ill try not to be so distant from now on. I can gladly say I am happy I have not been spending too much time blogging over the summer (mick should be proud!!)

1 comment:

graig and sara said...

Good to hear an update. Sounds like your boys are keeping you hopping these days!