Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our little cuddle Pie (a little update on the Piester)

Nolan has turned the tables on his biting. I don't think he's tried to bite (other than when Kyan deserves it!) in over a week! Now he's all hugs and kisses! Whew, didn't want to have the bully baby in the neighborhood when we get back home in the fall! He loves to sit on anything "big people" sit on, chairs , couches etc. its so cute, he sits there like hes a VIP. He is also picking up on mommy's cleaning. The other day he was doing the "uuhhh uuhhh uuuhhh" (kid has no vocabulary ) and pointing at his dirty diaper after a change. He then grabbed it and took it to the kitchen and Slam Dunk, right into the trash! Now he has to throw EVERY diaper away. This is good because I have now started introducing him to hand hygiene, something our family takes very seriously, thank goodness for Purell! Unfortunately I have also found toys and sippy cups in the trash as well :(
I am thinking we may have another one out of diapers at a young age. Nolan was tapping on the potty the other day saying "pa pa pa" so just for SH*$'s (no pun intended) and giggles I put him on and .....sure enough Mr. Pie was red faced and poopin'!!!!! WOW he went in the potty at 14.5 months old, that beats Kyans 18 months! Now for mom and dads sake hopefully the little man can be out of diapers by the time Kyan was,.....come on 24 months! We have such smart boys!!!! Nolan got his 7th tooth, FINALLY! Now we just have to work on that vocabulary!

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