WOW, we have had company for 3 weekends in a row! First it was the big guy's bday with the gradparents. Next we had Micks sis and fam, and friends from (BOOOO Ohio state!) Ohio for extended bday wishes and early christmas and this past weekend we had some friends here from WI and Grand Rapids for the MI vs Ohio state game. We are exhausted, infact all the boys are crashed right now in celebration of quietness in the house!!!! I too am able to relax today (thank you to my BFF Amy for helping me clean up before jettin' the set!!!) And not to mention my wonderful Mickey for letting me sleep in today!
Mr. P is sitting up and able to "scoot" around the room now. Pearly white #2 has also decided to make his appearence! Unfortunaely we still need to work on sleeping in longer blocks at night......Sorry Pie 3 hours at a time just does not cut it for Mom and Dad! And yes Nolans official new name is Pie or Mr. Pie or for short Mr. P. Our friends this weekend really made it official. Mick thinks when he turn 18 he should get a tatoo of a slice of pie on his bicep....hard core baby brother!!!!!
Besides Kyan's meltdown in Meijer last week he remains a compliant 3 year old! He was great with our company this past weekend with the little sleep that he did get (we all know we are strict with his sleep....) He is SO busy our friends say all they have to do is look at the boy and it wears the heck out of them.....I know the feeling!!!!
I have been submitted for 2 traveling positions and am waiting to hear back from them, hopefully in the next week or week after bc of the holiday. So please everybody keep the fingers crossed!
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