"Does your baby still wake several times during the night? Is he having trouble falling asleep on his own? Once he falls asleep does he wake every 2 to 3 hours during the night? Introducing Ambien CRX IS (Controlled Release Xtreme Infant Style) The all natural way to help baby fall asleep and stay asleep. No more venturing in dark hallways in the middle of the night. No more howls on the monitor under the moon. Just peace and quiet. That's right, sleep for 8 hours at a time from start to finish! Common side effects include extremely supercharged and energized parents, perma-grin associated with extreme happiness in the mornings (both baby and mom) and obsession with pillows and sheets. Warning, may put coffee companies out of business.
We are on night two of tough love. Actually Mr. Pie is doing quite well with falling asleep on his own. He still insists on eating a few times at night, hey, at least he goes right back to sleep! If he's following in Kyans footstep he should sleep through the night in about 3months and 13 days but whose counting!!!!!!!!
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