OK, so I'm guessing that your first guess to this posts title is of course Nolan right? Well your wrong! At Kyan's last dental appt./cleaning in June, the dentist had mentioned that the kid doesn't have his second set of molars. WHAT almost 3 now and not done teething? He wasn't a fussy teether as a baby, at least we have that going for us. So when I was helping him brush his teeth sure enough....the bottom right pearly white is coming through! Nolan... well its hard to tell if he's teething because the baby has ALWAYS needed to be chewing on something, so not quite sure (he's just not an easy man to figure out). But on another note he's sitting up now with almost no support ( can do it with the boppy around him) and he's trying to crawl, he gets up on his hands and feet, its quite the sight!
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