Today was yet another day our kids amaze us! Kyan is such a little genius his vocabulary just keeps growing and growing, I better start reading the dictionary so I can keep up with him. Yesterday at hockey as I forced him to use the bathroom (BEFORE we get the ten pounds of equipment on and then he says...."MOM I HAVE TO PEE!") he was washing his hands as he faithfully does after each trip to the potty , looks at me with his hands under the running water and says,"Does water work from batteries or from electricity?" My response..........______ Yeah a big pause hhhhmm think quick......ummm oh my, how does it work? QUICK think of something...it works from pressure YEAH son, that's how it works... Water pressure,. Whew that was close. I can't believe the boy, just one month shy of 3 years old almost stumped me. And wait, is that even the correct answer? This scares me that soon, I may need to research my answers but at the same time I am so proud to be bringing up such a curious intellectual child! Kyan continues to love school. Mick said today he didn't even want to leave! He comes home each day singing new songs and talking about a classmate by name. (yet tells people "I dont have a name" himself. Next week there is a field trip so mick and I will be able to meet the little people Ky is talking about everyday, I cant wait!
Today my baby turned into a binge eater! Nolan decided that the 4oz i am able to provide for him every 4 hours just doesn't cut it. Mick called me at work and the little chunk took 8oz in less than an hour. Hopefully this is just a phase so I can "keep up" with him! He continues to make me smile all the time (even at 0300 in the pitch dark) I just wish he'd get the memo on "How to sleep through the night"
The kids are germ free but mick and I struggle to get over this BUG. Mick thinks its bronchitis but I think he's just sick with the common cold and really burnt out from interviews, full time law school, having two kids under 3 and oh yeah if that's not enough why don't you play Hockey 2 times a week? And on a sad note......no Milwaukee in our future:(
Today my baby turned into a binge eater! Nolan decided that the 4oz i am able to provide for him every 4 hours just doesn't cut it. Mick called me at work and the little chunk took 8oz in less than an hour. Hopefully this is just a phase so I can "keep up" with him! He continues to make me smile all the time (even at 0300 in the pitch dark) I just wish he'd get the memo on "How to sleep through the night"
The kids are germ free but mick and I struggle to get over this BUG. Mick thinks its bronchitis but I think he's just sick with the common cold and really burnt out from interviews, full time law school, having two kids under 3 and oh yeah if that's not enough why don't you play Hockey 2 times a week? And on a sad note......no Milwaukee in our future:(
Cute new pics!! Nolan looks more like Mick all the time!!
Kyan is the funniest 2 year old I know! That pic is priceless!
And we can't forget about cute little baby brother too! Smiling up a storm. ..
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