Let me introduce you to our family pet. He was adopted from the AZ humane society back in April of 05. He came to us as "Buddy" a pure bred Boxadore. Who names their dog Buddy these days? (sorry if you do) Mick named him "Doc" a few days after being in our lives. Taylor, my niece started calling him Doc Russel (her dog a Jack Russel terrier...or so they thought, is named Jack Russel) So some how in the making he got his full name, "Dr. "J" Russel Puppy". So this dog has always had foster child, adoptive child, neglected child, red headed child...call it what you want syndrome! Most people who encounter Dr. J (his short name) usually love him and say, "oh don't worry he'll calm down after the puppy years" as he pummels them over and licks them to death. HELLO he was at least 2 when we got him! The reason we know, well he had a history of being locked up, that should have been our first clue!!! So anyway doc has come a long way. NO scratch that! We have adapted our lifestyle to make our dog behave. Choke chain for leash and walks CHECK. Wood case for garbage can when we are away (a very nice one I might add, thanks Grandpa Sullivan!) CHECK. Towel by the patio door for dirty paws CHECK. Forfeiting our king size bed, pillows too CHECK. Enough time and memory to remember to "Doc Proof" the House before leaving.______. Yeah so this is the issue! That darn Dog, the second you leave the house he goes on a mad hunt. Screw getting a Nanny Cam, we need a Doggy Cam! Yeah one with a take along screen and microphone. Seriously, this dog needs 24hr care. I was gone yesterday with the kids to the post office for a mere 15 min. I came home and forgot I left our future dinner thawing on the stove. Doc ate 1.65 lb. of raw burger,chewed a pizza box (left next to the wooden garbage) to sheds all over the living room...I think he swallow half of it, tore up the bathroom garbage (note-need small wooden box for bathroom garbage) and knocked the cat food container on the floor and threw it around the kitchen like confetti! To top it off, we woke up in the middle of the night to him puking in our room, imagine that! NICE DOC NICE. So there you have it that's our family pet "Dr. "J" Russel Puppy". Can anybody dog sit next weekend?
Our life in a nutshell!
Our life in a nutshell!