MAY 2010: When our lives drastically changed. Mick lost his job in the begining of the month. Long story short, he did some stupid stuff back in his younger days that is catching up with him. He was denied access to the BAR of MI at the time and the firm he was working for no longer could keep him on board. Me: Currently 4 months preg.....hoping for that baby girl. I started looking for another job. Currenlty working in the NICU as PRN and unable to get addaquate hours to support us. Hopefully we can still close on the house.
JUNE: Found a job (from hell) but its a job right? Still working in NICU but not picking up hours. 5 months pregnant with the worst round ligament pain one has felt, why didnt I get this with 1 or 2? Must be a girl!!!!! Mick remains a stay at home daddy and the boys are Not so much :( Mick finally got his reconstructive jaw surgery that has been pending for years, he's recovering well, (with no help from his stressed out, crabby, tired wife :( The House? Still pending.............
JULY: ITS A GIRL!! We had a sex party!! WWOO WWOO like you didnt know! No, really! At our ultrasound we didnt find out the sex but had them write it and seal it in an envelope. We then brought the envelope to a baker and had a cake with an inner layer of frosting, Pink or Blue made depending on what was in the envelope. We found out we would be having a baby girl with our closest freinds and family when we cut the cake over the 4th of July holiday to a layer of PINK FROSTING!!!! Currently 6 month prego, and was just offered a management salaried posision by the boss from hell at the job from hell! Then 2 weeks later it was stripped away from me after I informed her of my pregnancy (I wasnt showing at all, not in scrubs anyway) Ive never felt so descriminated against in my life. At the same time I turned down a different job because the money and hours were nicer at the job from hell! So here I am again, looking for a job because there is no way I am staying after that crap!
JUNE: Found a job (from hell) but its a job right? Still working in NICU but not picking up hours. 5 months pregnant with the worst round ligament pain one has felt, why didnt I get this with 1 or 2? Must be a girl!!!!! Mick remains a stay at home daddy and the boys are Not so much :( Mick finally got his reconstructive jaw surgery that has been pending for years, he's recovering well, (with no help from his stressed out, crabby, tired wife :( The House? Still pending.............
JULY: ITS A GIRL!! We had a sex party!! WWOO WWOO like you didnt know! No, really! At our ultrasound we didnt find out the sex but had them write it and seal it in an envelope. We then brought the envelope to a baker and had a cake with an inner layer of frosting, Pink or Blue made depending on what was in the envelope. We found out we would be having a baby girl with our closest freinds and family when we cut the cake over the 4th of July holiday to a layer of PINK FROSTING!!!! Currently 6 month prego, and was just offered a management salaried posision by the boss from hell at the job from hell! Then 2 weeks later it was stripped away from me after I informed her of my pregnancy (I wasnt showing at all, not in scrubs anyway) Ive never felt so descriminated against in my life. At the same time I turned down a different job because the money and hours were nicer at the job from hell! So here I am again, looking for a job because there is no way I am staying after that crap!

August: My birthday, came and went. (Is this post starting to sound like a pitty party for me>>>good, it is! One must cope somehow) I happened to come across a job posting on line for an assistant director of nursing at a place I am currently employed PRN. Called my boss, landed an interview and a second one.....and I got the job! Office work 32 hours/wk and no more midnights, bank hours baby! Currently 7months preggo. The house? Still pending.......
Sept. Kyan started kindergarten and has an absolutely wonderful teacher. He is enrolled at a school 20 min away from our current residence in hopes that he will not have to change schools once we get "the house" (if we get the house) It was Micks idea and he will be doing the driving so I guess that's ok with me (really it wasn't....I thought it was ridiculous when we live in a wonderful school district and the elementary school is blocks away. Oh well.....8months and counting. I had some minor contractions and landed my self in the hospital for an over night stay. Everything turned out ok. The day I got out my Husband had to rush to be with his father who was having complications from a heart attack. Things just keep getting more and more stressful, I was truly afraid to deliver this baby while my husband was in another state. The house.....still pending.
Oct. My Job is going well as the Assistant Director of Nursing and I really enjoy working with every body, they are a great group and truly care about what they do. Mick has signed a 2 year contract with LJAP to comply with some (in my opinion) ridiculous things. I wont lay out all the details, that is his personal business. However, what a great guy to do what he is doing, to go through what they are making him go through, after all these years of hard work and dedication to have people control his future. I cant even imagine how it must feel for him. I wish I could be more supportive, I try, but things are just so gloomy these days:( OCT 29th our beautiful baby girl is born. Ms Veda Mae Larson. Shes just what we needed. Our family is now complete :)
Nov. The worst month of the year. We lost Grandpa Brian to what we think was a massive heart attack. It breaks my heart that he never got a chance to meet Veda. He truly was the greatest grandpa these kids could have. He loved his family with all his heart. We will miss him greatly. I'm not sure how much more my husband can physically and emotionally handle at this point. We had to head up to the U.P. for his services, now with a 3 day old in tow. And of coarse because our family has to do everything the complicated way....Veda at 3 days old already caught onto this, (must be in her genes) thought it would be great to have an elevated biliruben level and need phototherapy at this time. So, now we have the extra convenience of a glowing baby and daily labs at the hospital while up in the U.P. Things went well for Mickey's fathers services. He had an wonderful turn out, with many old friends, telling stories of him that truly captured who he was. Mick stood up in front of everybody, spoke and again amazed me with his strength and courage at such a devastating time for him. I hope we can keep Grandpa Brian alive for the kids by retelling all his stories, he was such a great story teller. We will Miss you Grandpa Brian.
The House.........still up in the air.
DECEMBER 23, 2010....................................WE GOT THE HOUSE!
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