Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Where we are at.
We are all moved out of the house and into our sublet. Well, all but the patio set and grill, which the renters have agreed to have us pick it up later. Who would have know all our stuff wouldn't have fit into the storage unit? I guess we will need to take more than one trip to Grand Rapids when it comes time for the big move. Currently we are in the rental the whole famdamily including the mother in law. Have I mentioned this woman is wonderful? Well she is, and thank goodness we have had her over the past few weeks. The kids are doing great with grandma with the exception on Pie not allowing her to do ANYTHING! "Mama do it" "Daddy do it" If we aren't there he of course lets her help with anything, thank goodness. Mr. P is still practicing mastering the art of potty training, today as I cleaned Kyans fish's water Mr. P must have gotten excited by the running water. Yeah he peed all over my foot! Ugh as if dirty fish water wasn't enough! Hopefully over the next month or two we will be diaper free. Kyan just completed a 2 week course of abx for an ear infection. We took him back to the ENT after his right ear was draining puss. Turns out the right ear was infected, hence the 2 week course of abx and the left tube, is falling out. Falling out?! Great! Glad it cost over 4k to have the stupid thing put in just to have it fall out 2 months later! Geeze, I wonder if I find it once it falls out if I can return it for a refund? Well at least the tube in the right ear did its job buy draining the fluid and not storing it in the inner ear making the kid def again! Kyan is getting ready to finish up his last days of preschool. Now that we are in Ann Arbor it is so nice driving him to school, its only 2min away!!! The location of the elementary school to our new house is a huge factor in the hunt. We still haven't found that perfect house yet. Partly because my husband and I don't agree on ANYthing! I'm sure we will someday, just hope that day is sometime in June or July of this year! Mick started his BAR review today, so he will continue to be busy with boring law stuff for the next 2 months (oh' I think that will be true for him for the rest of his working days) He takes the exam on july 31st. I on the other hand only have a few working days left. My contract ends on the 31st and I was told there will be no extension offer. Because the economy, there is no agency help needed UGH! I just hope I can get a job somewhere! Wish me luck in my search, I only have 2 weeks to find something.
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