Things have been quite crazy for quite some time now, unfortunately its going to continue for a while. After shopping for what seemed like forever for a car. We found one! We ended up going for a Ford Freestyle. We got the limited edition (Mick HAD to have all the bells and whistles) So it has a DVD player...will our kids soon loose their virginity to movies? Anyway the car is coming from Texas and wont be here for another week= Crazy hectic schedule! It was OK with one ride for a while but now mick is back in school= rent a car tomorrow for the week. Mick has an 8am class so he and the boys will be out of the house before I even leave work at 0720 in the morn. I'm hoping the kids do OK this semester getting up this early. (Deep Breath) Its OK only ONE more semester and he'll be done!
Nolan gave Daddy a scare while I was at work the other night. He avoided an ambulance ride thanks to his rescue inhaler but ended up in urgent care for respiratory issues. They don't want to "label" him an asthmatic because he only has issues following an URI. He's on steroids and every 4hr breathing treatments. He may also have croup but that too is treated by the steroid that he is on so we are covered. I hope this doesn't go on for too long. He has been up hackin all night, poor guy. No sleep at night calls for really crabby days with pie pants
Kyan went back for his follow up with the ENT. Turns out the Nasal steroids he's been on (dang, my boys are gonna be ripped from all the roids) have been unsuccessful in attempting to shrink possibly inflamed adenoids to allow the Eustachian tube to drain. Kyan will be getting tubes in both ears in the next couple of weeks. I cant wait. I have been having some very trying times with Kyan these days. He just wont listen to a thing I say. I've gotten to the point were all I do is yell at him. I am going to avoid taking them to appointments together at all costs. At the ENT I was trying to fill out pre-surgery forms and my kids literally went nuts. Kyan was screaming and laughing and making all those loud boy noises while Pie is climbing around, on, over, under just about anything and reaching and grabbing and taking everything Pens, computer mouses, other pt. files, Receptionist phone (while she is on it, you know just pull on the cord!!!). At the same time Kyan is talking to her (she's on the phone with another pt. mind you) Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.! STOP! Nolan disappeared and after frantically looking for him I found him in the bathroom repeatedly flushing the toilet. After about 10 min of this total chaos I finally told the receptionist, "This is NOT working for me, can I take this paperwork home" The answer was "no" so instead they caged me and my animals in an empty exam room. How humiliating! I need to get a grip on Kyan listening to me, they can sense when they have control and just feed off each other. I think if I get Kyan under control and get him to lead by example, Nolan will just follow calmly in his footsteps.....oh $%I& who am I trying to kid?! Is this year over kids listen better at 5?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
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1 comment:
Honey, this post has to be a test to see if I'm reading this. My opinion: power locks = bells, power windows = whistles. Your opinion: 22s = bells, hydraulics = whistles, and DVD player + heated mirrors + heated seats + berber carpet + velour seats = standard features.
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