Monday, April 28, 2008
A March Of Success and Our First "Say Back"
Yesterday while getting in the car to take Dr. J Russell Puppy to the dog park (big upset because it was "Closed Until Spring" when we got there, hasn't it been spring for over a month now? The park ranger must be related to Mother Nature) Mick lifted Kyan into his car seat, not sure if he bumped his leg or what but the little man whipped out a "Damn It!" Mick and my eyes meet and whheeewww we both played it off pretty well. However you know who gets in trouble for this right? Now I am totally against fowel language in front of children but stuff does just naturally slip sometimes you know! Note to self....try harder to say darn it....darn it....darn it ....darn it!
Kyan demonstrated other independence besides a potty mouth today too. I took the boys on a shopping trip to Ikea today. I reved up Mr. Kyan for the "Check in" indoor playground they have there. Usually this kid would freak at the thought of me leaving him in a public place with total strangers. Can you believe he let me leave him for 25 min? Yaayyyyy good for him, maybe next time I can get the whole 60 min!
Mr. Pie is doing great, minus his live in snotty nose and goopy eye! He still has no intention on walking in the near future and frankly I'm not ready for him to either! His latest is screaming DDDDOOOOOO (doc without the C sound) at the top of his lungs, calling for Doc. For all of you who don't know, that was Kyans first word! I think we will be calling it Pie's 4nd Knowledgeable word, next to BBAA BBAA (with an added waving gesture) as his first of Ba Bye, and Dada and Mama (no order noted on the last 2 lol! Until next time...........keep on cawling Pie!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
More ear aches :(

We were back in the Dr. office today with Kyan. Again, he hasn't been hearing us lately and talking at max volume. Turns out, bilateral ear infections again:( So we were put on another 10 day course of abx's. The Doc said that if he isn't cleared up in 2 weeks we will go see and otolaryntologists who would most likely suggest tubes. Both Mickey and I had this when we were younger, in fact I had them placed mult. times. More than likely Kyans ears will be cleared up after the abx and we be able to put this behind us untill next school year when he again drags home every virus known to man kind! That's when the pediatrician said it would most likely happen. Kyan handles the ear aches pretty well, he did wake up the other night and said his Rt. ear hurt but other than that never complains. His hearing is terrible and he's always saying, "huh?" it drives me nuts! "huh?" I cant stand repeating myself over and over. I can now understand why my own mom is so bad with this! She too probably was sick of me always saying "huh?" (is this why mom???? LOL) We are now into the final week of studying before Mick's exams next week!!! YYAAAYYY. We are really pushin' for some A's this semester so everybody cross your fingers for him!!! The weather is really turning towards summer here! We had temps in the 70's today, it was beautiful. Kyan is so excited, his 4 wheeler that has been out of order for the last month since we broke it out of the shed is up and running! Turns out it just needed some fresh battery juice. He rode it all night tonight!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Nolan David!!! (hope your taxes are done)

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Pie Meets Cake
We had Nolan's first birthday party today! I can't believe our baby is one already. Grandma Debbie came along with Auntie Wind and Kiana. Auntie Amy also came from GR and we also had the fabulous fashionably late Escadrama Bennie Hanna make an appearance! (knew you'd love the extended nickname for this blog Bennie!) Kyan's third birthday was celebrated with a few people and it was my favorite party ever. This is why I decided to do the same with Pie's 1st. I just enjoy it more, I get to focus on my kid instead of the guests! Wind....had to make me feel bad, "You know you brought Kyan to San Diego and Sea World for his 1st right? And then had a Big Party when we got home, I think you bought 6 dozen Balloons" Ok Wind, after Mick is done with law school, we are taken Pie on a fabulous Birthday party extravaganza!!! Lets just say Nolan joining the world during daddy's exam week wasn't convenient! So watch out Birthday Party number 3 your gonna be outta this world! We did however have a lot of fun today. Nolan was in a great mood, as always I guess but today he just seemed so happy. He enjoyed opening his gifts, and did surprisingly well with it! As you can see from the video, he loved his cake. Is that a baby smurf? Where's Pie? We took out Kyan's first Cake pics and the winner.....Pie clearly walked away with the "messiest cake eater" award!!! He will officially turn 1 on Tuesday. We officially need to get his hair cut then! (my rule....not until after one.)