Ok, we are back in business! I can't believe its the end of Feb. already!! Less than 2 months and Mr. Pie will be the big "1" He's a busy man these days. Pearly white #3 is breaking gum and Mick believes #4 is not far behind. Its hard to check, the little man wants nothing to do with opening up his mouth..... unless your holding something edible. He eats just about anything and I think he eats more than Kyan sometimes at dinner, and we all know Kyan has been a great eater all his life. This is how Nolan has earned such a round phys-eek! (maybe he'll grow into his goofy nickname after all?) Crawling is old news with Pie Pants. He now prefers to pull up on everything. He can take a few steps with his walker and yesterday I caught him edging himself along side the love seat, soon he will be straight up furniture surfing! He's pretty much mastered the sleeping 12 hours at night thing with an occasional need for a late night bubba. Nursing him is a thing of the past too, a bit touchy on that subject so I'll just leave that alone. Nolan is babbling/talking like crazy. He can say mmmaaa ma and Daaaa da. and of course baaa ba. I caught Kyan trying to train his brother the other day..."say ka ka KYAN.....ka ka KYAN" It was adorable, guess he's feeling a bit left out:( His latest as of a couple days ago is waiving Ba-bye! Well that about sums up the whole pie!
What a cutie. He's getting so big! Hope you guys are doing well.
Wow! Almost a year old! He is such a cutie!! Adorable about Kyan trying to teach Nolan his name!
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