Ugh!..... Sums up Nolan in the last few months of his life. He is a handful! Scratch that....Five handfuls! He has always been an extremely independent child, completely opposite of his brother. I have always dreamed of having a child like that . One who could cater a little more to his needs, entertain himself and so on. I am sorry for this and wish I could take all those dreams back1 Nolan is SSOOOO independent it is hard to deal with on a day to day basis! If you do something for him, anything, pick up toy, put his cup down, move his shoes, drive my car, yes I said drive MY car, the child will undue or try to undue whatever it is that you did and redo it himself. This makes for some major meltdowns when you do something he cant undue, ie flush the toilet or drive the car! Its hard to deal with a 2 year old who wants to pour a gallon of milk and or drive the car, some things he just cant! Try telling him!!!!UGH! 
So the latest and greatest? OK, Mr. P was potty trained at 26mnths. YEAH! Good job! OK so why does this pose a problem? Well, when we moved Nolan decided if he doesn't get what he wants, he'll just pee! And on some occasions Poop! We are in the grocery store and he wants cookies, mom says no, Nolan says, "I'm gonna pee!" and does! WT%&@* I'm driving and Nolan asks to go to the playground and we are on our way to school, mom explains that we can't, Nolan, "I'm gonna Pee!" Kyan and Nolan are in the playroom and he doesn't get Ky's toy, yes you guessed it "I'm gonna Poop" This was a daily some times twice a day routine for awhile. So you might say just put diapers back on him? NO! for one he'd just take them off and for 2 heck no! He's trained, its all about control. A woman once told me the other day, "Kids have 2 things they can control, what goes in and what comes out" Isn't that the truth! In a way I feel its our fault because of what we did to our kids routine, basically we took their world and turned it upside down.