Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Potty Training you ask?
Lately I have been asked,"What's your secret to potty training?" "How'd you do it?" by multiple friends, acquaintances and not to mention frequent flyers to story time. Please note: I'm not bragging in front of these people at story time, Nolan has come up to me and requested I take him to the Potty in front of other moms. So what is our secret? I don't know if we have one. Nolan is not yet potty trained but I'd say he goes #2 about 90% of the time on the potty (he's 23 months) When he poops he pees, so hes doing well with that too! Kyan was out of diapers at 25months. Do you remember what kyan used to reply when asked how old he was? "Two years old and potty trained!" He got plenty of laughs from inquiring minds on this. Who says boys are hard to train? I think our true secret might be the way we parent. I give the credit to Mick on this one. From day one he has always, always explained EVERYTHING to the kids. Its amazing how much they know even if they can not yet speak in sentences! For example, I remember the nurse being shocked at Kyans 2 year well child check when he had to get two shots. We explained to him that he had to get shots, and yes, shots hurt. BUT they only hurt for a really quick second and I promise the pain will go away really fast. We may have reiterated it by counting to explain the length of the pain, 1..2..3. and then the pains all gone! Something he could have understood. So did he cry, no because he trusted us that the pain would soon be gone. The nurse told us she never in her career had a child that young not cry after a shot. What a man! We are honest with just about everything. What I am getting at is I/we believe you should be honest, up front and tell them like it is, cut the baby talk , that's for infants when they really don't understand how stupid you sound, or maybe they do!!! I also think starting earlier is better than "waiting unit he/she is ready" Before you know it, they are to smart for us! For the moms at story hour, if your child is still nursing at four and you are having problems potty training, I think you know what the issue may be! (Ooo that was a bit cruel) I started at 18months with Ky and about 20mnths with Nolan. We never offered treats with Kyan or put anything in the potty for him to "aim at" One thing we do, we have a party in the bathroom every time they go! Kids love to feel important and love any extra attention, especially from mom and dad. This, in there eyes was way more fun anyway. I wont lie, I have pulled out the treat one time with Mr. P. But I have stopped that. So basically we have never done anything except start early, be consistent, have a routine, just like bed time....say "underpants down/diaper off, get on the potty, 1,2,3 Pee, etc. When they are done, "wipe yourself, and flush!" (only allow flushing if they go, this is fun to a child so only reward if they go) If they ask, always take them, really celebrate when they, sing be silly ,anything to let them know you think they are special! Keep a potty seat (stay simple with the design) in the car to always be able to offer the potty in those emergency situations (I still need to do this for Nolan, did it for Kyan) Forget the pull ups, save your money. Half the time you need to take the pants off anyway (well at least in boys. Other wise their little pecker points up!) Oh and I almost forgot, a good training book, start reading it before they start training so they have an idea of what to expect.....I think this goes along with our explaining first approach. Our favorite....My Potty Book, written for little boys. Well that's what we have done/are doing. Not saying its going to work for you but it might! Good luck and happy training.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Dont worry the blog lives on........
Once again time seems to have flown by since the last blog post. The days are getting longer (thank goodness) and warming up. We have been spending a lot more time outside these days. Kyan loves it and Nolan won't stop saying,"outside, me outside!" while tapping chest. We are in the works of getting our home rented out for our future, sooner than later move to the west side of the state. We will be heading to Grand Rapids in the morning to once again look at some properties. One is a duplex that we would be for income only and another is a small home in a good area next to a good elementary school. Together with both proprieties, we could potentially live for free and save, save, save. Wish us luck on this, I hope it works out. I have so many pictures that I want to post but cant find the USB cable to the camera and my laptops XD card reader is broken due to a little 4 year old we all know. My brother was here 2 weeks ago from AZ with his fam. We had so much fun visiting with them, it was shorter than we all wanted but we got the most we could out of it. Taylor our niece is such a big girl now and has grown up so much since the last time we saw her. We went to a Red Wings game while they were here, unfortunately they got killed 8 to 2 :( Everybody still had fun. I have plenty of pics but again, they are stuck on the camera:( Nolan continues to potty train like a pro, he goes everyday I don't work and am pretty sure he goes for Mickey too! He as even stepped it up to going in public bathrooms. I'm not a fan of this, so gross! But he has to do it at some point. We still need to stop him from pooping in his crib, something he has always loved doing. Will he be out of diapers at 25 months like Ky? Only time will tell but I think he is right where Kyan was at this age! Go Pie! You can do it little man!!! His vocabulary continues to sore to higher numbers and more complex words, he whipped out "microphone" to mick and Kyan yesterday, clear as could be! He wants to go to school really bad and keeps pressing me to give him gum. He gets the same response to both, "No Pie, when your bigger buddy." He does not like this at all. "Me School!" he says in response. He continues to sing "Happy Birthday" and hes now added the "to you" part. This has become a daily e song that he randomly whips out while playing. Too cute! He is going to have so much fun on his actual birthday (planning is in the works, again not sure what we are going to do) He has big plans for his 2nd birthday, if you ask him what he will be giving up on his birthday he will proudly tell you his "Foffy" or what he calls his pacifier. He still uses it when he sleeps. So that's enough about Mr. P. What about Kyan? Well Kyan continues to be extremely trying and challenging at this point. 2 years old was easy, 3 years old was a bit challenging, 4 years old is EXtremely challenging. He has become a little bossy guy, bulling his brother when we aren't looking and talking back to just about everything. This is natural right? The last 2 days have been good and we have reinforced over and over that his behavior will not be tolerated. Mick and I had a long talk to make sure we get back on and stay on the same page when it comes to his discipline. Wish us luck, this parenting thing can be tough at times. Don't get me wrong he's still a great kid, just to smart for his own good. Other than that Kyan is also very excited about spring and summer approaching us as I am sure the whole state of MI is! He asks just about everyday if we can "lawn the grass" He's very excited about being able to ride his bike again we gone on multiple rides already. I cant wait to help him learn to ride without training wheels, I plan on doing after the move. I should probably start giving pep talks about this, maybe Ill let him ware his hockey equipment, that will be safer right?
Well sorry the blog is so boring lately, I know pictures are the best part. Hopefully I can find the cable and be back in business soon!
Well sorry the blog is so boring lately, I know pictures are the best part. Hopefully I can find the cable and be back in business soon!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Poopin Just to Stay Up Later!
So the little guy did it again! Nolan is extremely smart, gifted I might say (what mother doesn't think so) Pie will think of anything and I mean anything to keep him up just a little tiny bit longer. Story tonight?b Nolan:"two book" ok we can read two. "Pup" (how he says cup, he still goes to bed with a sippy of water just like big bro did) Yes Nolan here is your cup. Nolan:"Pup icky, yuck!" No Pie Mama just put fresh water in it. Nolan:" Poder" (We put powder and Tough Actin Tinactin on his feet, the kid has athletes foot at 22 months...nasty!) Yes Nolan Mama already put creme on your feet. Nolan: "Rock" Of course we can rock, I rock him every night anywhere form a few min to 20 and I love every min of it. I used to love putting Kyan to bed at that age but for some reason he as always too heavy to stand and rock and he used to wear me out? Maybe it was because I was already Prego for Pie at that time? Anyway I love bedtime/cuddle time with Nolan, its my fav part of everyday and I miss it dearly when I have to work. He's just so small and round and cuddly and oooooo, you get the point. Ok back to my point, we are rocking......ready to be put in the crib when he says it....."Potty, Poop" Yes Nolan we just read your potty book, now its time to go sleepy. Nolan: "POOOOOOOOP!!!" Ok, ok, lets go, but then its time for bed (enough of the sappy stuff, American Idol was on and I was trying to get out of his room to watch it!) But sure enough, red faced and grunting our little man did it again. He used his potty!!!! This called for celebration, we called for daddy....."DADDY!!!!" we called for brother....."BROTHER!!!" Everybody came running, we all clapped and danced singing the song "Nolan went......PEE PEE ON THE POTTY! PEE PEE ON THE POTTY! YAAAYYYY! Then the big guy when back in his room and went right to bed and I got downstairs at 820 to watch the rest of Idol! Life is good!
Oh, and just for the record (Nolans record when he's 16 and dating) I had nothing to do with placing "mama stickers" on him he got into the bathroom vanity and decorated himself and the bathroom with more than 20 of them things!
Oh, and just for the record (Nolans record when he's 16 and dating) I had nothing to do with placing "mama stickers" on him he got into the bathroom vanity and decorated himself and the bathroom with more than 20 of them things!
Looking at the 'noids
He got sick on the way to the hospital and passed out during registration. Our little man is a bit nervous :(
Im Ready
So everything is going well with the boys ears. I believe he is hearing better, still loud, but hearing better. He seems to talk to me more about what's going on at school and I see him socializing on the playground more with other kids. Maybe its all in my head or maybe he's able to actually talk to and hear his friends! He doesn't go back to the ENT for 3months!
A little bit of an update on Mr. P:
So we are again testing our potty training abilities. He knows how to do it but is too busy of a boy to take the time. He walks in the bathroom looks at the potty, "All Done" The other morning he kept saying "No Mommy" (his latest saying to just about everything, he picked that up thanks to Kyan) Anyway, I mentioned the word "treat" (something we never did with Kyan) Nolan's eyes lit up "Treat?" Yes Pie, If you go potty you can have a treat. "Ok" The little stinker sat down, pee'd and got up, "All done, treat?" Yes, he knows Exactly what he's doing. To reward him, he got to put on his very first pair of big boy boxers and yes he got his treat!
(Imagine turning 3 EVERY year, Elmo's Mom must be in a nut house!)
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