Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Nolanator!
Nolan, our second born, our baby, our child destine not to become "the middle child" by daddy,
hoping to be by mommy. Pie measures in at just shy of 2.5ft, and roughly 26lbs. He's round yet not pudgy, stout not short....ok kind of short. He wake's up around 730ish and starts the day out with a poop. His first words from his crib are "maaa mmaaa" or "Daaaddeee" as if he were looking for us out in the woods. He prefers a "nana" in the morning but is not as obsessed with them so much anymore. He will down a bowl of oatmeal, usually the flavor of his brothers choosing. He still sits in his high chair, seat belt and all. He feeds himself quite well with a spoon but needs to be reminded to use the fork. If you leave him alone he will use his plate or bowl for a hat (he dresses up for mom more than dad) He has his brother's taste buds and prefers nothing green but will down one of
mom's home made smoothies... (Mom has to sneak in those greens somehow..ssshhh) He has crazy hair and is now letting mommy cut it, when it gets to a certain length it does what it wants! Bath time is fun, but is never a solo event. He hates getting dressed, having his diaper changed, and getting his hair rinsed,but has recently been enjoying his mani's and pedi's. He likes to tell his carrier to "go" and point to his destination in mind. He's the best face maker in the world! He likes to read and will not let you stop. He has a hard time finishing an entire book unless its "My Potty Book". He's working on the wonderful world of potty training and has had several successful trips. He doesn't like it when people sing. He enjoys giving kisses, Eskimo and butterfly's topped off with a smooch. His close friends and family call him Pie. He likes it when mamma rocks him be
fore nigh night. He sleeps with a sippy of water and a soft lullaby on the noise maker. He loves his daddy. He doesn't like his car seat lately:( He'd rather not play outside when its cold. He says brrrrrrr. He loves to "mmeeepp meeep" a nose now and then and doesn't mind if you do it back. He always gives his brother a kiss good night, even if one of them isn't up for it. He takes his socks and shoes off first thing in the car. He says bye bye to every page in the book sometimes. He likes to point out babies. Again, he's the greatest face maker in the world (see pict below). He's kind of a bully but really its just his strong personality "I'm in charge" shining. He'll head butt you if you don't watch out! He's not much of a napper and never has been but will sleep for 13+ hours at night if you lay him down early enough. He
doesn't want to miss anything. He loves cookies (who doesn't) He got his nick name from both mommy and daddy. Cheese has become a favorite. He learned to say Kyan today, he says "Ky Ky" Kyan is his greatest companion, role model and brother, he wants to be just like him. He will walk down stairs the "proper" way, holding the banister, this makes his mom a bit nervous. He wears size 5 and 6 shoes depends on the brand. He's got killer baby blues and a cute butt, watch out ladies. He loves the Grandmas. He has dimples. He's addicted to his Binkie, for the most part only at sleep times. He's the sweetest greatest gift........He's our Pie!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I took the kids to the mall tonight to do some more unwanted, unneeded Christmas shopping/ foolishly spending money. (I think, if its hard to think of what somebody needs for Christmas, they are set and shouldn't get anything at all!) Ba Humbug! Anyway back to the mall. The boys love playing in that germ-infested nasty, smelly indoor playground and I can't deny it! It serves me with a time to relax, talk on the phone, drink my starbucks etc. (yes all eyes are still on the boys) But it's great because its all fenced in with seating, its playground jail! Well, today was the second day I watched as Nolan and Kyan interacted with each other so playfully. Don't get me wrong they are side by side at home but its usually fighting over the same toy or I am in the middle of/directing their play. This was definatley different, more interaction, interest in each other and well boyish play. At the playground tonight Kyan would run....Nolan would run after Kyan and Nolan would tackle him, Yes Tackle his brother. There would be times were Pie would run, jump and hang on for kyans 5-6 lunging steps before falling to his brothers defencive tackle! This was cracking me up and the boys too. Pie is going to be a rough one when he gets bigger I just know it! Kyan I am sure will be looking for him when $&!* hits the fan in middle school. Most babies taking that beating would be crying guaranteed! They would start to wrestle and get up and chase and tackle, and chase and wrestle etc. All I could do was sit there grin from ear to ear. They get along so good they really do. I think I got some worried looks, and probably some for lack of parenting (whatever, I was there before! Now I am a lot more humble when it comes to parenting ) hey, boys will be boys!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Chroicles of Potty Training
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Update on the ears
So Thanksgiving has come and gone! They Boys are busy with the advent calander counting down the days. Kyan is getting excited for Santa to make a grand entrance on Christmas morning, he is however a bit worried he my get coal in his stalking! I know I know its mean but he needs some reality check into his sassy 4 year old life! We brought Ky to the ENT on tues and we got both good and bad news. First the bad news. They gave him another hearing test, this time in the sound proof booth. More official than at the Ped. office. The audiologist printed off a graph. At the top was "Base Line" hearing. about 4 rows down in the graph showed what hearing would be like with ear plugs in. And then about another 3 rows down....was where Kyan was plotted on the graph :( So basically he cant hear. Poor guy, I felt my eyes swell up a bit. I had a lot of flash backs at that appt from when I was younger (went through the same stuff all the way up until I was 13) You feel so helpless when you find out something is wrong with your kid. He's had a, for the most part healthy life but this last year has been trying with all the uncurable "colds " So the good news is the hearing is not permanent damage and when/if he gets his tubes in and possibly adenoids removed all hearing should be restored. Thank Goodness! Our plans for surgery are not for after the holidays anyway so our ENT suggested Ky use a Nasal Steroid Spray in hopes that it will decrease inflammation in the adenoids which would relieve pressure on the Eustachian tubes allowing the fluid accumulated behind his ear drum to drain "normally" We are trying this because he has a hx of snoring and also has had this ongoing "cold" for months which may actually be allergies. I'm not sure of the effectiveness of this but its worth a try until Jan. Ky goes back Jan 13, if his drums aren't drained its time for some tubin'!
My little Pie is so freakin' cute! I love him so much and he is such a little lover himself (if he's getting his way) His vocabulary is wilding increasing and he will say anything you ask him. He is starting simple sentences. For instance when he is picked up out of his crib after a snooze he says,"GO!" and points to the door. Now I make him say "Go Please" He's such a ham! He still admirers doing everything big bro does and is pretty good at most of it. He is able to tell me every time he goes potty in his diaper. When he pees he grabs his crotch and says, "Butt, butt, butt" Hopefully he will start to recognise the sensation BEFORE he's actually peeing! He only has 4 months to be out of diapers to beat his bro (YES THIS IS A COMPETITION! mom and dad don't like dirty diapers!) Nolan loves stories now and mom loves down time of reading to them! Because they don't watch TV this is our only real mellow time! Pie's fav is "My Potty Book" and then "I Love You Through and Through") I wish they could stay this age forever! (this age and potty trained of course)
My little Pie is so freakin' cute! I love him so much and he is such a little lover himself (if he's getting his way) His vocabulary is wilding increasing and he will say anything you ask him. He is starting simple sentences. For instance when he is picked up out of his crib after a snooze he says,"GO!" and points to the door. Now I make him say "Go Please" He's such a ham! He still admirers doing everything big bro does and is pretty good at most of it. He is able to tell me every time he goes potty in his diaper. When he pees he grabs his crotch and says, "Butt, butt, butt" Hopefully he will start to recognise the sensation BEFORE he's actually peeing! He only has 4 months to be out of diapers to beat his bro (YES THIS IS A COMPETITION! mom and dad don't like dirty diapers!) Nolan loves stories now and mom loves down time of reading to them! Because they don't watch TV this is our only real mellow time! Pie's fav is "My Potty Book" and then "I Love You Through and Through") I wish they could stay this age forever! (this age and potty trained of course)
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