With the luck I've had with my computer (or not), I figured I should post these:
When I told you I was coming, you thought I was lying;
When I surprised you in Phoenix, you were happy and crying;
When we made Kyan’s footprints, you were messy from inkin’;
When we got Dr. Russell, what the hell were you thinkin’?
While I worked on my thesis, our lives were quite busy;
And when I didn’t do the dishes, you threw quite a tizzy.
When I got into Harvard, the envy of my peers;
You were overcome with joy, and couldn’t hold back tears;
When we traveled cross-country, we forgot Minnesota,
And nearly broke down in Elvis County, South Dakota.
When we camped in the Rockies, wow, what a place for lovers,
If only Doc Russell wasn’t under the covers.
When we made it to Michigan, green lamp and all,
We bought our third house, though the price would soon fall.
We learned of Mr. Pie just as law school got started;
You began a new job, then courageously departed.
When Pie came along, we didn’t think we’d survive;
Kyan was like one, Nolan, more like five.
It’s hard to believe that all this began,
Almost five years ago now, with our little man.
One little man has since become two, and, knowing you,
We’ll have one on the way before this weekend is through.
So there it is, Honey, the story of our life;
Now let me tell you why you’ll make a great wife.
I loved it when you said, “I don’t care where we live. I just want to find a good place to raise the kids.”
I loved it when you burst into tears when you hit the seagull.
I love that you care for the babies you take care of like they’re your own children.
I love that you were sensitive enough to come home crying when other nurses mistreated your patients, and tough enough to quit your job because of it.
I love that you would never bring Doc back to the pound.
I love that even if we’ve been arguing, and even if we totally disagree with each other, we always have each other’s back when it comes to disciplining the kids.
I love that you love the boat, maybe even more than I do.
I love that we like the same music.
I love that you don’t know the words.
I also love that you sing them anyway. It reminds me of my mom.
I love that you’re cool with me still not being able to match my dress clothes.
I love that you’ve always assured me that you don’t mind playing sugar momma…at least for one more year.
I love that you’re just as comfortable at the Melting Pot as you are at the Granada.
I love it when we sit down and talk about the kids after they go to bed.
I loved the look on your face when I showed up in Phoenix. I’ve never felt so wanted.
I love the thought of being grandparents together.
I love how you pinch my butt in the store sometimes, even thought I act really annoyed.
I love that you know when I’m lying. Most people don’t.
I love that you sleep with ear muffs on.
I love that we don’t fight about material things.
I love the fact that you have so much respect for your grandparents…even if it means keeping the green lamp.
I love that you read to the kids, even when you’re dead tired.
I love that you were always my family’s favorite.
I love that you still put up with my “dishwasher sandwich” jokes.
I love the sweet voice you use when you talk to other people on the phone.
I love your dimples.
I love that you make sure I get to kiss the kids good night when you put them to bed.
I love that your family gave me a second chance.
And I love that you gave me a second chance. It’s scary to think where I’d be without you.
They say it’s difficult to find a woman you can live with;
And they say it’s rare to find a woman you can’t live without;
In you, Jennifer, I’ve found a woman I can live for.
And if that’s not special enough, I can look back on every day I spend with you and the kids, including today, and say, truthfully, that today…today was the greatest day of my life. Some people only get that feeling once. I get it almost every night.
Jen, I love you more than anything else on earth, and I couldn’t be more excited to commit to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you.
So there you have my vows. Perhaps Jen has an electronic copy of hers as well. Contrary to what Jen said in her previous post, I didn't shed any tears during the ceremony (just a little "welling up"). That's the only time I've made it through dry. And for you grammar nerds out there, it was indeed difficult to get myself to finish such an important sentence with a hanging preposition, but "I've found a woman for whom I can live" just didn't sound right. If some of the verses seem sort of cryptic, feel free to ask what they mean. You can get off my back now, Honey, about posting to the blog. Enjoy Kyan's surprise in the morning...he did it all by himself.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
What really happens at your house?
X Games....Here Come the Larson Bros.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Targets got, the biggest balls of them all!

Ok I did it! Pie and I went shopping today....... I finally bought a new camera!!! I don't think Mick will like the pink color but he'll get over it. Besides, when he learns to take pictures or should I say makes an effort to, then we can get a unisex color! I would have rather silver but this was the only color left in the model I wanted and I knew if I put it off again we would be blogging about needing a new camera again instead of just getting one. When entering Target this morning I think my baby boy almost had a heart attack from being overwhelmed. You see, Target's symbol is the target right? And a target is round right? With a 2 dimensional ball or circle in the middle Right? The store is decortated with its symbol right? Mr. Pie is obsessed with balls rights? I think we where in the store for approx 45min. By the time we exited I think the poor guy was slurring the word ball with drool coming out of his mouth from saying "bal" then pointing "bal" then pointing "bal" then pointing so many times. He went from finding only the red circles from target to pointing out every single round objects on the shelves, ceilings, floors. You name it, if it was round, Pie called it out "BAL!"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
We're Back na na na na na na na na (kyan the rapper -I me rhymer)
I think we have all fell back into our routine. I recently started another contract back at St. Joes in A2 which will take me up till mid Dec. Mick is into his 3rd week not to mention LAST YEAR (woo woo!!!) of law school at the big U. Kyan is done with his 1st week back at preschool and of course we are all feeling this with our sniffles, why do colds have to be routine around here:( Mr. P is sick but back at Cathy's as well, his first day Mick dropped him off went surprisingly well. Im sure he'll freak the next time he rolls up to Big Pine Drive.....he'll know daddy's leaving him. Im sure he'll adjust soon. Or maybe not! He may just kick, hit, bite, give nasty looks or chuck something at you. You know,....act himself! Even Malachi poo poos (the cat) has adjusted well back with his long lost family after spending the summer in Northern Michigan with Gma and Papa. Doc....well he never adjust to any thing so Ill just leave him out.
So lets see, Kyan loves being back at school, sadly his first love Ava (pronounced ah-va) is no longer enrolled. Our plan is to get back in focus with him. Unfortunately, Mick and I realize that we don't "work" with him as much as we used to before Mr. Pie came into our lives. Our new routine is going to put Nolan to bed and then spend approx 30 min working on whatever activity he chooses, letters, numbers etc. Then of course our usual reading ritual. I know he will love getting the extra one on one attention he needs. We (Mick) ordered him National Geographic for Kids, what a great magazine! This has been our nightly activity lately, its crammed with fun facts like matching, finding the odd picture and other simple games to get his mind going. In just two days the kid understands rhyming, he sounded like a mini eminem at the dinner table tonight ball,-doll. frog-log, sink-bink OK not eminem but any other white boy trying to rap!
Our little Mr. Pie Pants is quite the little daredevil! This kid is non stop action pact! He was standing at the top of the stairs yesterday... nose out, arms back ready to take a flying leap of faith. He loves to climb, and has one hell of an arm! He throws balls and anything that comes into contact with his hands we are trying to stop some of the trowing of course (no golf balls they break things). I think he's just warming up for Major league baseball someday, can you say Cy Young baby brother?. The boy is still obsessed with balls, pointing every circle out EVERYWHERE as a ball! He's now saying "here ya go" except it comes out more like "hargo". He's has now officially pooped twice on the potty as well as one pee! What a man! He does the the muscle man grunt and flexes his biceps when I tell him to push out the poops, is this what he does in his crib before nap time everyday? Maybe I should give him a mirror next to his crib so he can flex, kiss his little biceps and take a dump in his pants! Anyway I got the muscle man bicep curl dump on tape, ill see what i can do with it.
On the biggest note.......
Mick and I are are legally married! I am now share the last name of my three boys and am Mrs. Mickey Larson. We had a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the four seasons resort in Pembine, WI that 160 or so friends and family helped us celebrate. Everything was beautiful we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Micks vows were amazing and yes we both shed a few tears. Mr. Kyan was the best looking ring bearer anybody has ever seen. Mr Pie sat on the side lines but helped as we did a Family unity ceremony. Unfortunately there was an issue with our food that mick is battling with the resort over. He's not affraid to whip out a "Ill sue him" That's my lawyer man....go get 'um Honey! Ill keep you posted on what happens, so far they have extended the 10% off to 20% off. Sorry not good enough. Like I said.....Ill keep you posted. In the mean time, enjoy some pics.
The wedding party!
Our flower girls so prim and proper....
Us with Kiana Kyan and Kaela My cuz on the left and maid of honor and best man on the right.
AAAHHHH I cant believe it finally happened!!!!

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