Yeah so the boys are both struggling with another virus :( I'm hoping this isn't an "every other month" bug that invites itself into our house and takes over all winter! Kyan stayed home from preschool today. Mick says I just wanted to sleep in, yeah I wish Nolan had no intentions in that! I was awake almost every hour last night dealing with one of my sick little men:( Their coughs sound like they hurt so bad and with this whole DXM recall on infant/childrens cough suppressants, whats a mom to do? Tonight I gave them both a vapor bath and rubbed 'um down with vicks but they still sound terrible. I bought some good ol fashion Tussin the pharmacist at Kroger said you still can't go wrong with an expectorant, we'll see.
I resigned at U of M :( Now that I actually have a last day marked, I'm feeling very emotional about it. I guess I'm not going to miss the job (I can do that anywhere) but I will miss the nursing staff. I start my new traveling position on Dec. 10. Its at the hospital that Mr. Pie was born at. I'm very excited for the extra cash to start falling into my bank account! It's going to be so great when mick starts bringing home some bacon!!!!! Speaking of that, he's in Grand Rapids tonight vacationing from sick children! well actually he has another interview with a firm he interviewed with a few weeks back. C'mon Honey!!! Go Get 'um! HOOO HHOOO. I'm really pushing for this area, I would be great to grow old with my greatest pal Amy!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Ambien CRX IS

"Does your baby still wake several times during the night? Is he having trouble falling asleep on his own? Once he falls asleep does he wake every 2 to 3 hours during the night? Introducing Ambien CRX IS (Controlled Release Xtreme Infant Style) The all natural way to help baby fall asleep and stay asleep. No more venturing in dark hallways in the middle of the night. No more howls on the monitor under the moon. Just peace and quiet. That's right, sleep for 8 hours at a time from start to finish! Common side effects include extremely supercharged and energized parents, perma-grin associated with extreme happiness in the mornings (both baby and mom) and obsession with pillows and sheets. Warning, may put coffee companies out of business.
We are on night two of tough love. Actually Mr. Pie is doing quite well with falling asleep on his own. He still insists on eating a few times at night, hey, at least he goes right back to sleep! If he's following in Kyans footstep he should sleep through the night in about 3months and 13 days but whose counting!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Whew! I need my routine back!!!!

WOW, we have had company for 3 weekends in a row! First it was the big guy's bday with the gradparents. Next we had Micks sis and fam, and friends from (BOOOO Ohio state!) Ohio for extended bday wishes and early christmas and this past weekend we had some friends here from WI and Grand Rapids for the MI vs Ohio state game. We are exhausted, infact all the boys are crashed right now in celebration of quietness in the house!!!! I too am able to relax today (thank you to my BFF Amy for helping me clean up before jettin' the set!!!) And not to mention my wonderful Mickey for letting me sleep in today!
Mr. P is sitting up and able to "scoot" around the room now. Pearly white #2 has also decided to make his appearence! Unfortunaely we still need to work on sleeping in longer blocks at night......Sorry Pie 3 hours at a time just does not cut it for Mom and Dad! And yes Nolans official new name is Pie or Mr. Pie or for short Mr. P. Our friends this weekend really made it official. Mick thinks when he turn 18 he should get a tatoo of a slice of pie on his bicep....hard core baby brother!!!!!
Besides Kyan's meltdown in Meijer last week he remains a compliant 3 year old! He was great with our company this past weekend with the little sleep that he did get (we all know we are strict with his sleep....) He is SO busy our friends say all they have to do is look at the boy and it wears the heck out of them.....I know the feeling!!!!
I have been submitted for 2 traveling positions and am waiting to hear back from them, hopefully in the next week or week after bc of the holiday. So please everybody keep the fingers crossed!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I know this is dated material but I have to let you all know how Halloween actually went. Kyan was so entertaining. He started off great all by himself, running as fast as he could up to random houses, ringing the doorbell and yelling "trick or treat?" Then, in his muscle man outfit with his masked flipped up and flashing,he would run as fast as he could back half way down the driveway, set his bucket down, dig for the exact treat that house gave him and yell "Mommy, Daddy! LOOK! WOW! Can I eat it!" This went on house after house, Mick and I loving the entertainment. At about house ~14 Kyan was on the front porch with a few other kids. I heard him start crying and sent mick up there bc I thought he tripped and fell. Then I heard the biggest girl skreek I ever heard my son let out. The kid got his first Halloween spook! Some 7 year old dressed all scary scared the living day lights out of kyan! After that he was a little nervous and needed some assistance with walking up to houses!
Kyan's Bday was a success in fact ever since he turned 3 his behavior has been wonderful! Almost like when he was 2.... Listening like an angel! After weeks of contemplating what to do for his party, I am so happy we had a tiny shindig with just family at the house! It was so relaxing and stress free! He was spoiled rotten by everybody as usual! Kyan also had a bday party at school bringing cupcakes to celebrate! ( I was the lucky one to make them , 1030pm the night before because I forgot veg. oil at the store) He's finally telling people he's 3 and not 6 too! And he is also telling people his name these days instead of,"I don't have a name."
The fam headed to Grand Rapids on Sunday for another interview for Mick. It was nice to see Amy even though we just saw her the day before at Kyans party! Amy and I hung out at Davids Bridal with the boys (kyans was comical here too ," Yes bud you would look adorable in that dress, yes and that one too, yup blue is def. your color )and did some wedding gown shopping! As for Mick's interview, well if he doesn't get this one we will have to blame it on the pink lady shaver he had to use that morning !
Kyan's Bday was a success in fact ever since he turned 3 his behavior has been wonderful! Almost like when he was 2.... Listening like an angel! After weeks of contemplating what to do for his party, I am so happy we had a tiny shindig with just family at the house! It was so relaxing and stress free! He was spoiled rotten by everybody as usual! Kyan also had a bday party at school bringing cupcakes to celebrate! ( I was the lucky one to make them , 1030pm the night before because I forgot veg. oil at the store) He's finally telling people he's 3 and not 6 too! And he is also telling people his name these days instead of,"I don't have a name."
The fam headed to Grand Rapids on Sunday for another interview for Mick. It was nice to see Amy even though we just saw her the day before at Kyans party! Amy and I hung out at Davids Bridal with the boys (kyans was comical here too ," Yes bud you would look adorable in that dress, yes and that one too, yup blue is def. your color )and did some wedding gown shopping! As for Mick's interview, well if he doesn't get this one we will have to blame it on the pink lady shaver he had to use that morning !
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